Werner Bauer

Fighter for a Circular Society

Brief info

Since his diploma thesis in 1983 on the subject of "Separate Collection of Municipal Waste", Mr. Bauer has been dealing with new approaches in waste management.  After working at the Academic Chair of the Municipal Water Management at the Munich University of Technology, he became self-employed at an early stage.

Engineering Activities

With the engineering office for innovative waste management (ia) founded in 1985, he was predestined to implement the innovative ideas of sustainable waste management in real projects and plants. For example:

- First sorting plant at an international airport (Munich Airport)
- Investigation of the water balance in landfills in two long-term research projects
- Implementation of special construction concepts for plants for organic waste
- Identifying synergies between thermal and biological waste recycling as well as
- Development of recycling yards as a place of change from waste management to „resource management”
- Analysis of waste management plants regarding their performance in reducing greenhouse gases.

Network and Communication

In 1996, he succeeded in bringing together the first municipalities to form a waste management network.  This network is now known as "ForumZ" and its knowledge infrastructure brings together the municipal waste management organizations of approx. 12 million residents.

International consulting

The international consulting business of ia GmbH is bundled in the subsidiary WtERT Germany GmbH.  With the digital infrastructures of the global Waste to Energy Research and Technologies Network (WtERT), WtERT aims to convey a broad awareness of the handling of waste and resources and to establish contacts between science and practice as well as between technology leaders and decision makers.

As Managing Director of WtERT GmbH, Mr. Bauer personally advises international customers on site in order to develop sustainable waste management strategies, to recognize resources as valuable and to consider nature and climate protection.

Managing Director of ia GmbH - Knowledge Management and Engineering Services

Managing Director of WtERT Germany GmbH

Vice President Knowledge Management of Global WtERT Council and

Member of the Board of Directors of CReED (Center for Research, Education and Demonstration in Waste Management)

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