Dr. Ing. Helmut Schnurer

Member of the Board

As a member of the Board of IeRM, I will add my experience and knowledge to developing up-to-date and proven concepts and solutions for sustainable waste management that are environmentally safe, economically feasible, and contributing to climate protection.

Click on photo for statement of qualifications.

Steve Gerritson

Member of the Board

“I have been an environmentalist for all of my adult life. During those 60 or so years I have seen many examples of serious, science-based efforts to improve conditions, but also many examples of ´greenwashing,’ and of well-meaning projects based on faulty or erroneous assumptions. IERM starts with sound science in a very transparent way, and builds policy and program recommendations based on those findings. This is the right way to operate, and I am proud to be a part of it.

Click on photo for statement of qualifications.

Renè Møller Rosendal

Member of the Board

“I grew up in a country where the environment and problems related to it have been a political issue since the 1970s. Europe has come a long way, but a lot of work needs to be done to improve the way we manage our waste. In order to manage waste more efficiently and move toward a circular economy, it is critical to follow the internationally recognized waste management hierarchy. Landfilling of waste serves as a good way to manage what can’t be recycled or incinerated, but still way too much is landfilled because it’s the cheapest way, and that needs to be changed. By joining IeRM I get to share my knowledge, and hopefully we will change the way people act toward more recycling and the circular economy, because it makes good sense.”

Click on photo for statement of qualifications.

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