Project Drawdown Seattle, June 13th 2021: Let’s Talk Waste-to-Energy as a Climate Solution


Following up from the March 28th presentation about waste, there were many questions about Waste-to-Energy (WTE) and the climate and environmental implications. This is a dedicated follow-up discussion focused completely on WTE. This is a Q&A style session (with a 15-minute introductory overview) to learn more about technology, functionality, integration, planning, and everything that you wanted to know about thermal treatment of waste.

In our discussion, we will have the opportunity to learn more about the thermal treatment of waste. For example: Did you know that China is adding/building 50 WTE facilities a year? Did you know that > 90% of Copenhagen is heated throughout the winter with WTE? Did you know that the Mona Lisa painting in the Louvre is heated/cooled and gets its lighting from WTE? Did you know that the entire light rail system in Amsterdam is powered by WTE or that the Ford Motor company in Cologne, Germany is powered by WTE? Or that the City of Vienna uses Waste for heating and cooling of buildings? Did you know that the Minnesota Twins Baseball Stadium uses the heat from the local WTE facility to grow the grass during the cold season? WTE facilities in Europe and Japan use the heat for garden greenhouses, swimming pools, other industry and a number of other applications in lieu of Non-Renewable Energy. WTE is a transitional technology as the 3rd Step – Energy (and Material) Recovery – in the internationally recognized Waste Management Hierarchy after 1) Source Reduction/Avoidance & Reuse, 2) Recycling and Composting (incl. Biogas) to limit whatever possible going to the 4th and least sustainable, least desirable, most costly step – the Treatment and Disposal of waste. We hope you can join us for this informative and interactive discussion.

Links from the Discussion: 15 minute overview video, Zoom recording, PDF of presentation, PowerPoint, and curated chat with questions and resources. Original Meetup here

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