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New Travel Dates: September 5th-15th, 2023: Join our Delegation to Europe – Recycling, Circular Economy, Resource Management, Integrated Waste Management Systems: Experience, Interact, Discuss…


We are faced with many challenges in how waste is managed in the US. Some areas do a little better, some worse. There are lofty goals that are not met, and we hit major barriers.

This trip will introduce you to a highly efficient Integrated Waste Management System (IWMS) already implemented in several European countries. Through face-to-face meetings with legislators, policy makers, and agency officials, as well as visits to waste management facilities, you will see first-hand how an IWMS:

  • Is more efficient
  • Generates less CO2
  • Has a lower environmental impact
  • Costs less to operate
  • Offers more family-wage jobs
  • Feeds a Circular Economy
  • Can be implemented in the US under existing regulations

Delegation to Europe September 5th-15th, 2023

IeRM is taking a delegation of politicians, regulators, financial decision makers, and others to Europe September 5th-15th, 2023. Delegates will learn about the design and implementation of an Integrated Waste Management System (IWMS) based on the experiences of the European Union.  Germany is the world leader in recycling and integrating the waste sector with a circular economy.  The delegation will look at the successes, challenges and failures of the European waste and recycling infrastructure and discuss solutions and opportunities. 

Why you should join the delegation: Most US states and cities are experiencing major recycling challenges. This trip is designed to educate the participants about the mechanics and economics of recycling as part of an integrated waste management system. By joining the delegation, you will be provided with the necessary tools that will enable you to be able to overcome the hurdles your jurisdiction may face.  At the end of the trip, you will have witnessed first-hand the policies and regulatory framework, the financials of managing waste, the technologies, the mechanisms, and timelines necessary for the operation of a successful and economically sound recycling program. Hearing from those who actually design and run these programs, you will have a sense of the obstacles, the potential weaknesses, and the support systems needed to help you make this work in your own communities.

If you are interested in going, please contact IeRM at contact@ie-rm.org, or call 206-313-9774.

This is your opportunity to meet with high-ranking government officials and business leaders in Denmark, Germany and Belgium A specific list will be made available prior to departure.

Who should participate: Financial and Policy Decision Makers, Legislators and Agency Officials

Reasons to go: Experience, Learn, Understand, Interact, See, Implement, Discuss how we can meet the challenges and develop, build and utilize opportunities for managing our waste.


Cities Whom to meet and interact with: What to see: State of the Art Facilities and how they work towards a Circular Economy Days stay Nights Stay
Copenhagen, Denmark Policy Makers, Legislators, Agency Representatives, Facility Managers CopenHill, Government Operations 1 1
Berlin, Germany Policy Makers, Legislators, Agency Representatives, Facility Managers Recycling (Glass, Paper, Electronics, Plastics, etc.), Composting, Resale Operations, National Legislature 3 3
Hamburg, Germany Policy Makers, Legislators, Agency Representatives, Facility Managers Detailed Overview of Regional Waste Management Process 3 3
Brussels, Belgium Policy Makers, Legislators, Agency Representatives, Facility Managers EU Legislature 2 2

IeRM is a team of leading experts and specialists from universities, institutes, authorities, and similar institutions. We bring our expertise and proven track record to educate, to correct false information, so that corrective actions protecting people, the environment, and the economy can be taken.

So far, team members have taken 10 Delegations to Europe ranging from 5 to 50 people. Due to the limited availability of some of the officials who have agreed to meet with us, we must limit the delegation to no more than 20 people. We expect the cost for the trip to be between $6000 and $7000. Exact cost will depend on the number of delegates and the date signed up. 

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