Please Sign This Petition Tell Congress:Pass legislation that stops landfilling of Municipal Solid and similar waste by 2030. Untreated still reactive waste produces methane a Greenhouse Gas that according to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is 80 times more damaging than CO2.Landfills also produce a number of other…
Please Sign This Petition Dear friend,After another year of record-breaking weather disasters, it’s clear that the Earth’s climate is changing. Even more concerning is the scientific community’s consensus that these dangerous and potentially irreversible changes are accelerating. Experts agree: our current solid waste disposal practices are a major source of methane,…
While we favor a circular economy without landfilling or WTE/Incineration the nature of society (and consuming) does create waste that cannot be avoided or recycled. In that case waste should first be made inert, toxics destroyed, and materials and energy recovered so that landfilling, the worst option for dealing with waste, can be avoided by all means possible.
In short: Mankind can only exist in the long term with a circular economy. Landfilling means the collapse of our economic system in the long term. Only a circular economy is sustainable. Thermal waste treatment with advanced flue gas cleaning and residue processing is part of a circular economy to optimize (maximize) the material recycling of waste. Note: Energy production is not the focus here (therefore we should part from the term WtE, as it undermines the main purpose of thermal waste treatment), because regenerative energy is available in abundance, you just have to use it.
Introduction: We are faced with many challenges in how waste is managed in the US. Some areas do a little better, some worse. There are lofty goals that are not met, and we hit major barriers. This trip will introduce you to a highly efficient Integrated Waste Management System (IWMS) already implemented…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE If you care about your family’s health and well-being. If you are searching for an answer to Climate Change. If something doesn’t sit right inside every time you pass a massive landfill. If you are hoping for a healthier, cleaner world, you must read this book. Where…