
The tone of his statement regarding Germany suggests that Mr. Mittelstaedt is either unfamiliar with the differences in technology that have taken place since the 1970s when one could speak of incineration or, for his and his industry’s own gain, is purposely painting a false picture of the technologies used.

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As rain falls on landfill sites, organic and inorganic constituents dissolve, forming highly toxic chemicals leaching into groundwater. Water that rinses through these chemicals collects at the base of the landfill and usually contains high levels of toxic metals, ammonia, toxic organic compounds and pathogens. This can result in serious contamination of the local groundwater. Even more dangers, this mixture usually creates a high biological oxygen demand, meaning it can quickly de-oxygenate water. If or when these noxious chemicals reach rivers or lakes, it could result in the death of aquatic life.

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